From the youn
gsters of 10 to the practically ancient 23 year olds - the Litchfield crew bounded into Camas life with enthusiasm, joy and a sense of togetherness and had us rolling in the isles with their look back on mock the week - i mean sheep!
All 23 of them bonded together like a massive family, and the groups that I joined in with were as happy to paint giant caterpillars on the garden bench as to go kayaking.They enjoyed chatting together and discussing what was growing in the polly-tunnel. They leapt up the abseiling wall in their magic climbing shoes with strength and determination that saw 3 of them reach the top! - 3 cheers!!!!! And several dived capsized and generally splashed around whilst others managed to stay in kayaks long enough to win at seaweed tag and dodge around Darrah in British Bull Dog.
When the sun shone the Litchfielders could be seen playing cricket and other games of their own devising (I never understood the rules) on the lawn.
When it rained - we went to Iona. More cheers for the coragious crack team of 'elders' - so wise!- who put up Ursula, Graham and the other sensibly named tents whilst a storm blew all around. The rest of the group certainly seemed to appreciate it when they too arrived all of a bidraggle and could get changed for dinner at the abbey, service and of course the ceilidh.
I loved the write up the group gave of being spun in a dance your feet somehow knew, in a village hall packed with smiling people, most of whom we all managed to bump into, dance with or tread on their toes and all of whom enjoyed your renditions of 'Cecil the caterpillar.'
A highlight for us staff is Camas challenge where we get to see what Camas is like when the group make it your own. I have to say it was a bit scary that your entertainments team seemed to know the inner workings of our mind when you gave the alternative tour (apparen
Well done Litchfield for all your fundraising, and epic travel including double booke
-Rosie x
This week we were lucky enough to be joined by possibly our most dedicated serial visitors!
Traveling all the way up here from the
mock the sheep
witty banter around the fire
scout songs - little boys
know all the camping/kayaking/raft building