Thursday, 18 October 2018

Castlemilk, Carpenters and Chickens

By Gavin McIsaac

All stories evolve and morph into something different compared to the original event. Truth is sometimes diluted with hyperbole. Fact becomes fiction, fiction becomes fact.  I had heard stories of Castlemilk. Stories where adjectives like ‘wild’ and ‘chaotic’ were frequently bounced around.  As a new volunteer to Camas, I only had these stories to go by. I was told to be prepared.

In the distance I hear voices, rapidly approaching.  Their voices grow louder and louder as they bound down the path. The gate bursts open. Though the shouting, I hear the words: “We’re hame, it’s like we never left...” and, with that simple sentence, my worries fade away.
Out of curiosity, I asked the group about some of the stories that I had been told. They happily recount tales of their time at Camas. Turns out, what I had heard was the watered down, family friendly version. The originators of the stories paint a very vivid picture.

The week saw our usual array of activities, but, we had one extra task tacked on to the schedule...picking up some chickens* to add to the Camas family.  In addition to the young folk, Castlemilk brought their resident carpenters with them. John and Jim spent their time rebuilding the chicken coup and mink-proofing it, out in all the elements that nature decided to throw at them.

Castlemilk Camas Crew collecting chickens
Chickens being introduced to their new home at Camas

What I saw as the week progressed was a glimpse into the journey of the young people. How their past selves have matured into their present selves and i begun to understand why it is important not to write off the young folk.  I had been painted a picture of unruly youth but the reality presented me with a group of young adults, ready to shape their future, hopefully a future where they come back to Camas as young leaders to inspire the next generation.  

* Chicken update: We now have an additional 9 chickens to go with the original three. The pecking order has been established and the hens are now becoming more confident in their surroundings and can be seen by day exploring the sights and sounds of Camas. 

Click here to find out more about Camas on our Facebook page or here on how to bring a group.  We look forward to hearing from you. 

Friday, 12 October 2018

Youth Fest at Camas!

The Iona Community's Youth Festival came to Camas this year!

Youth Festival provided a safe space for discussion sessions and workshops around the theme of identity, which were nourishing and thought-provoking, bringing together young people from different parts of the country, different cultures and backgrounds.  The experiences, values and identities that make us who we are were explored, as was how it can be seen, felt and stereotyped, to be a 'young person'.  The group also reflected on gender identity and sexuality, challenging stereotypes and looking at how society can discriminate or privilege, depending on aspects of identity.  Alongside the thinking, reflecting and chatting, there were the Camas classics of adventuring, playing games and building community - getting in the sea for coasteering, kayaking, sharing meals and taking care of the chores together.  By the end of the week there was a lovely buzz from a group of people who knew each other better, having shared stories, insights, hopes and fun.