
Monday 1 March 2010

The Glasgow adventure!

Before I start telling the tale of the Glasgow adventure, let me just say: WIND! Finally, we have wind. After having to save our electricity for the essentialls (which apparently does not include trying to catch some of the Olympics on the internet) for two weeks, we now have electricity up to our ears! Wind means electricity, electricity means hot water, hot water means less smelly staff, and less smelly staff means... well, cleaner staff. And the most important thing: The battery never got so low so that the fridge stopped working, which means that my icecream was still in it's original state, and I got to celebrate these new windy times with a good half a tub of chocolat icecream, while watching Sweden vs. Great Britain in curling. Happy Days!

Ok, so now over to the tale of the four brave Camasites, who dared to leave their home, battle through the snow and rain just to reach their goal: The City of Glasgow!

So, the four brave camasites set out from Camas early (not really) on the Thursday morning. The plan was simple: step 1, walk up the track. Step 2, get in the car. Step 3, go to Glasgow. A well thought out plan if you ask me. but they where all of them decieved...
The wind that we have all been waiting for, was like many other things not only a blessing, but also a curse. The waves were to big for the ferry to run. But the four were not to be beaten down but this. Legends say that this was the time when Josef, Knight of Camas, spoke those immortal words: "let's get some crisps and try the other ferry." This uplifted the moods of the others and after buying emergency crisps and bisquits, off they drove to catch the Fishnish - Lochaline ferry.
Once over on the mainland, they all were to regret their decision. On the drive from Lochaline to Oban they got almost completely stuck. The snow and wind made it almost imposible for them to make their way forward. Several other cars were stuck, and an extraordinary sense of comradery was shown when people emerged from their shelter to help their fellow travellers to push cars up one hill after another. This was teh second time that Josef, Knight of Camas, raised his voice to say: "let's eat some crisps and play 20 questions". So they did. And after 16 questions, they reached the correct answer: Arnold Schwarzsenegger.

Finally in Oban, after over seven hours, they decieded to leave the car and go by train. A wise move, and they did arrive safe in Glasgow after a total of eleven hours of travelling.

We have had a good weekend in Glasgow with our hosts, the glasgow and Iona team, and are now looking forward to coming back to Camas. Hopefully in less than 11 hours.
