
Saturday 26 June 2010

Hi everyone, this week we had a group from Penicuik High School. These guys arrived after having just finished up their exams at school and so were really looking forward to getting away from it all for a week at Camas. On Sunday morning we all walked over to Market Bay for some games and art on the beach. Later in the afternoon we did some gardening and started to make some cob for our outdoors oven. Cob's made by mixing sand and clay together and we found the best way was to use our bare feet and dance, twist, shake, and boogey on top of it. We also found that coating our faces in clay protects us from the midgees (sort of at least). The only way to wash it off way of course was to take a swim in the sea (remember there's been Basking Sharks swimming in that water!!). We painted stones in the art room and made some very colourful rock pets.

Then on Monday it was off to Iona. After walking all the way to Fionnphort, the teachers generously bought us all an ice-cream and we sat down on the grass in the old nunnery. In the afternoon we headed down to Sandeel Beach and relaxed in the sun for while
(ah, life is good!). These places are so beautiful that we wanted to do our bit to keep them clean and so we picked up flotsam and jetsam as we walked back towards the Abbey. That night we ceilidh'ed in the village hall, everyone was up ag damhsa (that means dancing!). There was also a group of young Swedes there who showed us the flipping freaky frog dance!

We came back to Camas on Tuesday after our night's camping. Then there was raft building and racing and falling apart and getting wet! We also went abseiling down the quarry wall which caused a few nervous moments and some shakey legs but everyone gave it a go and did their best. We did a bit of kayaking in the bay and capsizing.

One thing the group were keen to try out this week was to experience some solo time. As John Muir says "only by going alone in silence, without baggage, can one truly get into the heart of the wilderness". So this was some time to be by ourselves and let go of all the usual everyday busyness.

Thursday night was Camas challenge night and our group served up some delicious spicy Mexican food... mucho gracious! We also had a lovely reflection where everyone shared what they enjoyed most about the trip and their high points. It was really great to hear that everyone enjoyed themselves so much and that they felt like they had got to know each other better and formed friendships. During evening entertainment we did comedic arobics and an amazing game of sharks versus lifeguards under the kite.

We were sad to see everyone go but we hope to see you again sometime!!

Pictures to follow shortly!