
Wednesday 28 July 2010

3rd - 9th July Two Youth Groups from Glasgow

Hello All,

So as mentioned in that earlier post, we forgot to tell you about the 2 groups who came to stay from Glasgow. The two groups are in neighbouring areas, and were looking for a place to come hang out, have some fun, get to know each other better and experience life here at Camas. Started off with really bad weather, but the group Loved SHark attack and the tower game (CAmas Classics!).
The rain eventually passed and we were able to get out abseiling, and doing our usual stuff, 'pirates of the Hebridien' and the raft building Challenge. I particularly enjoyed the Raft building as the girls team we triumphant with their brilliant creation - yeah go girls!! The boys however did swim across the bay - these guys were crazy, out in the freezing cold sea at any opportunity brrrrr!
We had an excellent week, the highlights for me were hearing some of the guys and gals singing accapella - truly beautiful and some future stars for x factor i am sure! and the Camas challenge meal on the Thursday night - for those of you that don't know, on the last night we challenge guests to run Camas for the night, cooking food, entertainment, decorations and leading reflection. It was Brilliant, peperoni Pizza and Wedges followed by Delicious chocolate Cake Yummy!
Anyway hopefully these guys will come back next year and we can get over to Glasgow this winter to catch up with them all...
Whilst here they made a little movie of some of the things they did - check it out on the link below.

Back soon with more news... MaryXX