
Monday 6 September 2010

The little week that was

Last week Camas staff scattered far and wide for a well deserved break: Cally and Jy ventured further north to the Isle of Lewis and Rob to the Isle of Skye; Darragh headed over the Irish Sea to visit home; Josef, Emily and Tom went off on a jolly to England's Greenbelt Festival.

Mary, Becky, Rosie and Ros were left behind to defend Camas Bay. Luckily no pirates attacked but we did get a few special visitors.
Becky's sister Rachel came to stay with husband Richard and their wee Ruth - a trio of Rs. Ruthie was a great help in the garden and so was treated to a most luxurious wheelbarrow ride.

Rosie and Ros dedicated themselves to some serious track work. A proper job for the girls. They laid new planks, cut chicken wire and hammered nails with all their might. All that's needed now is to roll out the red carpet and the Camas track will be fit for the queen (she's been cruising around the Isles recently so we hear).

Here's Ros protesting at the terrible working conditions as a Camas volunteer - no tea breaks!

It was a hoot of a week full of work and play and sunny days and starry nights. To top it all off on the final evening we paddled out on the calm, clear and ever so magical water. We were not the only creatures out to play in Camas Bay that night...

Four dolphins came to dance and dance around our kayaks!
Breathtaking really. Here's to Camas Bay and all that dwell here.