
Friday 22 April 2011

A Week of Firsts

Well, this really was a week of firsts at Camas... it was filled with our first guest of the season (that's no typo... starting off slow and steady to ease in us new vollies), first meals cooked and reflections led by vollies, first lambs and bumblebees of spring, first Cuckoo heard, first day warm enough to wear shorts (in my cold-natured opinion), first trip for little Etinee up to the Trig Point, first time this year that the boat was in the water again, and the first week of really getting out hands into work around the centre.
Lots got done this week work wise... got some beds assembled, windows and walls painted, garden beds trimmed, and of course got the boat into the water (thanks to Mark Jardine). Hamish and Rosie finished the fliers for Camas' open day on May 1st, so we hope to see all you Camas friends down the track soon for a visit!
We also had a lot of fun this week star gazing, taking walks, eating lunch out on the lawn in the sunshine, dancing and singing, laughing, and learning about the wonder that is the Japanese Tenugui (seriously... look it up and all you can think is "how have I lived so long without one!"). "Easter fun" is on the agenda for tomorrow, so we will be keeping the fun going as we put on our Easter bonnets and look towards our next, guest free week of LOTS more maintenance and other bits and bobs to get ready for the busy season to come.
Happy Easter everyone, and stay tuned next week for more Camas updates!